Eugene, Beulah and Glade Boozler have all been trapped in the basement of the Station Inn, Nashville since the beginning of the quarantimes without a single trip out to buy emergency TP or just go for a walk to make sure the neighborhood still looks the way they remember (highly recommended). So, to say they’re going a little stir crazy is an understatement. How will a cabinet full of old games, most of which are missing pieces or have beer crusted on them, help keep them from losing it? Subscribe to Starlight Radio Dreams on your favorite podcatcher to find out.

Written and performed by Sam Locke and Kat Evans.
Kat Evans as Beulah Boozler.
Sam Locke as Eugene and Glade Boozler.

Audio Edited by Sam Locke.
The SRD theme was written and performed by Arne Parrott.
