Applying for jobs is becoming a real trend right now. Now, we can’t help with a form that asks for your resume and then makes you write out all of that same information, some of it more than once. Nothing will make up for the unending parade of postings that are actually just three children in a trench coat who found a "Help Wanted" sign and got carried away. Worst of all, we can’t save you from the Zoom call interview in which the interviewer forgets to turn off their camera before conducting your interview in the nude while eating quickly melting sorbet. Then a bird comes in and steals your teeth and… you know that one might not be a real thing. Anyway, give a listen to this recorded interview for someone who go the job, our New Narrator!

Anyway, of all the harrowing parts of job hunting, maybe we can help bring some levity to this one part, the recorded interview.

Written and performed by Rachel Granda-Gluski.
Sound Design by Ansel Burch.
