Burlington Showtime and Danny Burns are your co-hosts welcoming Coach Kip McQueen, hero of the pilates and cross fit sets. He's come to tell us all about his new commuter workout program. Kip and the SRD crew have a great time discussing the world of fitness and all the latest in learning highly specific gym language to minimize communication and maximize flop sweat.

Written and Directed by Kat Evans, Kamron Palmer, Ansel Burch, Ben McCauley and Michael Jachowicz.

Music by Arne Parrott

Writing assisted by Sarah Bowden.

Special Guest Kip McQueen played by Nate Buursma

Featuring the vocal talents of Karolyn Blake, Ansel Burch, Kat Evans, Ben McCauley, Kamron Palmer and Rachel Granda Gluski. Writing assisted by Sarah Bowden.

Sound Design by Ansel Burch.
